Sea to Sky Law Blog

Family Court

Posted by Andrew Liggett | Aug 02, 2023 | 0 Comments

Two courts are available in BC to resolve family law issues: the Supreme Court which is more traditional and has a greater scope of jurisdiction, and the lower Provincial Court which cannot resolve asset nor debt FLA issues nor grant a Divorce.

Both courts can resolve all parenting and support issues. The circumstances of the litigants also determine which legal issues need to be resolved eg if not married then no need for divorce and if never living together then no need for the legal issues of spousal support and the division of family assets does not apply.

The main legal issue for the trial I attended was the issue of Guardianship for two parents who never lived together. The focus is on whether there remains any parenting rights under the 2013 FLA or are there only rights of the child in any event.

About the Author

Andrew Liggett

Mr. Andrew Liggett, BA JD CD, Esquire Our Firm Founder Andrew has decades of successful experience representing clients throughout British Columbia in all levels of court including the Provincial Court, the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal. Andrew completed a Bachelor's Degree in Political...


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