Pay Your Retainers and Invoices Online

Using the trusted merchant service LAWPAY, you can securely pay both your Invoices for work we do for you, and your initial retainer deposits we hold in trust to secure your retainer.

To pay your Invoice -  Click Here

Please include the invoice number under "Reference Number"

​To pay your Initial Retainer Deposit - Click here

​If you require a receipt in addition to the one Lawpay sends please contact our office administrator.

​Please note - We have to manually record some online invoice payments especially E-transfers therefore it may take a day or two to see the payment on your Invoice, especially if you make a payment on a weekend.

Contact Us Today

Sea to Sky Law Group is committed to answering your questions about, Estate, Business, Mediation, and Dispute Resolution issues in British Columbia. We offer experienced advice to support your DIY self-representation efforts or by a full-service traditional retainer. We can discuss your case and help you develop a solution plan by phone or in-person or virtually eg by Zoom. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
