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NOTE: You should always have up-to-date anti-virus software to protect yourself when online!   CIRA-Canadian-Shield

Please note that the links are NOT professional advice and, before making any decisions, you should compare to other options and you need to consult a local expert on the topic eg an experienced law firm like SEA TO SKY LAW.

"Knowledge is Power," but information is not legal advice and making decisions based on assumptions and misunderstandings only makes your situation worse.

Only lawyers are educated, trained, and licensed to provide legal advice. Be safe by retaining an experienced lawyer in your Province to clarify and confirm the information, choices, risks, and consequences that apply to your circumstances.

Contact Us Today

Sea to Sky Law Group is committed to answering your questions about, Estate, Business, Mediation, and Dispute Resolution issues in British Columbia. We offer experienced advice to support your DIY self-representation efforts or by a full-service traditional retainer. We can discuss your case and help you develop a solution plan by phone or in-person or virtually eg by Zoom. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
